Creating Next Generation Reagents for Mining
Next-Gen Processing of Precious & Rare Earth Metals in Australia
Lower Cost Sustainable Processing: Ore-Specific Collectors for Froth Flotation & Magnetic Separation Reagents
Our ideal reagent for Froth Flotation and/or Magnetic Separation has the following properties:
Mineral-selective binding, increases yield, cost competitive, available at scale, environmentally sustainable, biodegradable, non-toxic, easy to ship and store.
Mineral Specific Reagents for Enhanced Flotation and/or Magnetic Separation!
Increasing Demand and Supply Risk
REE possess unique properties making them fundamental to hundreds of innovative technologies that underpin modern life
Australia has extensive precious metals and rare earth ores that are not commercially viable
Theia Metals will significantly decrease processing cost while improving process sustainability and increase Australian sovereign supply of metal resources so essential in modern society